The Best Face Painting In Arizona
We Face Paint LLC provides professional face painting services around Arizona. We have a network of the most talented face painting artists in the state; your guests will be left amused with our innovative face painting designs.
Our Clients
A team of experienced, passionate face painters now serve individuals and companies throughout Arizona. We’ve had the pleasure of working with both small and large customers including Pandora Radio, Phoenix Zoo and Risas Dental.
Peace of Mind
No event is too big or too small for My Amazing Face Paint; from birthday parties to corporate events, we have the most talented face painting artists in Arizona. Make sure that your guests are left feeling delighted after getting their faces painted by one of our professional face painting artists.

Silver Package

The Silver Face Painting Package is perfect for small events with less than 100 guests, like birthday parties or intimate corporate events
$ 125 Hourly (2 Hour minimum)
  • 12-15 faces painted per hour
  • One professional face painting artist(fully insured)
  • Innovative and creative designs suited to your needs
  • All face painting materials including paints, table and lights.

Gold Package

The Gold Face Painting Package is perfect for large events with more than 100 guests, like milestone birthday parties, corporate events and more
$ 120 Hourly Per Artist (2 Hour minimum)
  • 30-40 faces painted per hour
  • Two or more professional face painting artists(fully insured)
  • Synchronised, innovative designs suited to your needs
  • All face painting materials including paints, table and lights.


Phoenix ZOO
We love working with our Local ZOO, Helping them with corporate events and public events such as Dia del Nino, Zoo lights and 5k Runs.
Arizona Coyotes
Working with The Arizona Coyotes has been one our favorite experiences. Fan Fest was a total success and we are so proud to be a part of it.
Pandora Radio
Painting for Pandora Radio at the Dia De los muertos Event was unbelievable . This Event required 6 Artist all working together to paint over 800 guests.
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